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Letra Música Faith – The Weeknd

Light a blunt up with the flame
Put that cocaine on a plate
Molly with the purple rain
‘Cause I lost my faith
So I cut away the pain, uh
Got it swimming in my veins
Now my mind is outta place, yeah, uh
‘Cause I lost my faith
And I feel everything
I feel everything from my body to my soul
No, no
Well, I feel everything
When I’m coming down is the most I feel alone
No, no

I’ve been sober for a year, now it’s time for me
To go back to my old ways, don’t you cry for me
Thought I’d be a better man, but I lied to me and to you

I take half a Xan’ and I still stay awake
All my demons wanna pull me to my grave
I choose Vegas if they offer heaven’s gate
I tried to love, but you know I’d never stay
I’d never stay
But if I OD, I want you to OD right beside me
I want you to follow right behind me
I want you to hold me while I’m smiling
While I’m dying
And if you know me
When I go missing, you know where to find me
Driving down the boulevard is blinding
Always blinded by the desert lights and
I’m alive when

I feel everything
I feel everything from my body to my soul
No, no
Girl, I feel everything
When I’m coming down is the most I feel alone
No, no

I lost my faith
I’m losing my religion every day
Time hasn’t been kind to me, I pray
When I look inside the mirror and see someone I love
Oh, someone I love
I’m losing my religion every day
Time hasn’t been kind to me, I pray
When I look inside the mirror and see someone I love
Oh, someone I love

I ended up in the back of a flashing car
With the city shining on my face
The lights are blinding me again
I ended up in the back of a flashing car
With the city shining on my face
The lights are blinding me again
I ended up (I ended up), in the back of a flashing car (back of a flashing car)The Weeknd – Faith – Ouvir Música

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