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Letra Música Supermodel – SZA

That is my greatest fear
That if, if I lost control
Or did not have control, things would just, you know
I would be fatal
I’m writing this letter to let you know
I’m really leaving
And no, I’m not keeping your shit
Heard you got some new homies
Got some new hobbies
Even a new hoe too
Maybe she can come help you
Maybe she can come lick you after we’re done
What’s done is done
I don’t want nothing else to do with it
Let me tell you a secret
I’ve been secretly banging your homeboy
While you were in Vegas all up on Valentine’s Day
Why am I so easy to forget like that?
It can’t be that easy for you to get like that
Oh no, she didn’t, ooh yes, I did
Oh no, she didn’t, I’ll do it again

Leave me lonely for prettier women
You know I need too much attention for shit like that
You know you wrong for shit like that
I could be your supermodel if you believe
If you see it in me, see it in me, see it in me
I don’t see myself
Why I can’t stay alone just by myself?
Wish I was comfortable just with myself
But I need you, but I need you, but I need you

Ooh, just get a load of them, they got chemistry
All they could say, we like brother and sister
Look so good together
Bet they fuckin’ for real
And they was right
That’s why I stayed with ya
The, the dick was too good
It made me feel good
For temporary love
You was a temporary lover

Leave me lonely for prettier women
You know I need too much attention for shit like that
You know you wrong for shit like that
I could be your supermodel if you believe
If you see it in me, see it in me, see it in me
I don’t see myself
Why I can’t stay alone just by myself?
Wish I was comfortable just with myself
But I need you, but I need you, but I need youSZA – Supermodel – Ouvir Música

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