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Letra Música If I Could Turn Back The Hands Of Time – R. Kelly

How did I ever let you slip away
Never knowing I’d be singing this song some day
And now I’m sinking, sinking to rise no more
Ever since you closed the door
If I could turn, turn back the hands of time
Then my darlin’ you’d still be mine
If I could turn, turn back the hands of time
Then darlin’ you, you’d still be mine

Funny, funny how time goes by
And blessings are missed in the wink of an eye
Oh why oh why oh why
Should one have to go on suffering
When every day I pray please come back to me

If I could turn, turn back the hands of time
Then my darlin’ you will be mine
If I could turn, turn back the hands of time
Then my darlin’ you, still be mine

And you had enough love for the both of us
But I, I, I did you wrong, I admit I did
But now I’m facing the rest of my life alone, whoa

If I could turn, turn back the hands of time
Then my darlin’ you will be mine
Oh if I could turn, turn back the hands of time
Then darlin’ you, still be mine

Oh I’d never hurt you
(If I could turn back)
Never do you wrong
(If I could turn back)
And never leave your side
(If I could turn back)
Turn back the hands

There’d be nothing I wouldn’t do for you
(If I could turn back)
Forever honest and true to you
(If I could turn back)
If you accept me back in your heart, I love again
(If I could turn back the hands)
And I love you

(If I could turn back)
Oh, never be my will
(If I could turn back)
Darlin’ I’m begging you to take me by the hands
(If I could turn back the hands)

I’m going down, yes I am
(If I could turn back)
Down on my bended knee, yeah
(If I could turn back)
And I’m gonna be right there until you return to me
(If I could turn back the hands)

(If I could turn back)
If I could just turn back that little clock on the wall
(If I could turn back)
Then I’d come to realize how much I
Love you
(If I could turn back)
Love you
(If I could turn back)
Love you
(If I could turn back)
Love you
(If I could turn back the hands)

(If I could turn back)
(If I could turn back)
(If I could turn back)
(If I could turn back the hands)R. Kelly – If I Could Turn Back The Hands Of Time – Ouvir Música

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