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Letra Música Sure Thing – Miguel

Love you like a brother
Treat you like a friend
Respect you like a lover
You could bet that
Never gotta sweat that
You could bet that
Never gotta sweat that

You could bet that
Never gotta sweat that
You could bet that
Never gotta sweat that

If you be the cash
I’ll be the rubberband
You be the match
Imma be your fuse, boom!

Painter, baby
You could be the muse
I’m the reporter, baby
You could be the news

‘Cause you’re the cigarette
And I’m the smoker
We raise a bet
‘Cause your a joker
Checked off

You are the chalk
And I could be the blackboard
And you can be the talk
And I could be the walk

Even when the sky comes fallin’
Even when the Sun don’t shine
I got faith in you and I
So put your pretty little hand in mine

Even when we’re down to the wire, baby
Even when it’s do or die
We can do it, baby, simple and plain
‘Cause this love is a sure thing

You could bet that
Never gotta sweat that
You could bet that
Never gotta sweat that

You could bet that
Never gotta sweat that
You could bet that
Never gotta sweat that

You could be the lover
I’ll be the fighter, baby
If I’m the blunt
You could be the lighter, baby
Fire it up!

Writer, baby
You could be the quote
If I’m the lyric, baby
You could be the note
Record that!

Saint, I’m a sinner
Prize, I’m a winner
And it’s you
What can I do to deserve that

Paper, baby, I’ll be the pen
Say that I’m the one
‘Cause you are ten
Real and not pretend!

Even when the sky comes fallin’
Even when the Sun don’t shine
I got faith in you and I
So put your pretty lil hand in mine

Even when were down to the wire, baby
Even when it’s do or die
We can do it, baby, simple and plain
‘Cause this love is a sure thing

Rock with me, baby
Let me hold you in my arms
Talk with me, baby

Rock with me, baby
Let me hold you in my arms
Talk with me, baby

This love between you and I
As simple as pie, baby
Such a sure thing
Oh, is it a sure thing

Even when the sky comes fallin’
Even when the Sun don’t shine
I got faith in you and I
So put your pretty little hand in mine

Even when we’re down to the wire, baby
Even when it’s do or die
We can do it, baby, simple and plain
This love is a sure thing

Love you like a brother
Treat you like a friend
Respect you like a loverMiguel – Sure Thing – Ouvir Música

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