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Letra Música Nervous – John Legend

Adrenaline runnin’ through my veins
I’m a skeleton when you say my name
And the high
No, it never goes away
Like jumpin’ out an airplane to swimmin’ with the sharks
That existential feelin’ when you’re starin’ at the stars
There’s a hurricane in my head
But the lightnin’ in my heart makes it worth it
Yeah, I still get nervous

When you walk through the door and you look in my eyes
Yeah, it feels, yeah, it feels like the very first time
I can fall for you forever, I’m certain
‘Cause I still get nervous
When your lips hit my lips and the fireworks fly
Sendin’ sparks through the air like the 4th of July
I can fall for you forever, I’m certain
‘Cause I still get nervous

Every time, every time we touch
It’s like paradise fell down from above
And the high
Even too much ain’t enough, nah, no

Like flyin’ in the fast lane, no headlights in the dark
That existential feelin’ when you wonder what you are
Got a wild wind in my head
But the butterflies in my heart make it worth it
Yeah, I still get nervous

When you walk through the door and you look in my eyes
Yeah, it feels, yeah, it feels like the very first time
I can fall for you forever, I’m certain
‘Cause I still get nervous
When your lips hit my lips and the fireworks fly
Sendin’ sparks through the air like the 4th of July
I can fall for you forever, I’m certain
‘Cause I still get nervous

Oh, you walk in so perfect
And my heart shorts circuit
No, I don’t deserve this
That’s why I still get nervous

When you walk through the door and you look in my eyes
Yeah, it feels, yeah, it feels like the very first time
I can fall for you forever, I’m certain
‘Cause I still get nervous
When your lips hit my lips and the fireworks fly
Sendin’ sparks through the air like the fourth of July
I can fall for you forever, I’m certain
‘Cause I still get nervous

I, I
I still get nervousJohn Legend – Nervous – Ouvir Música

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