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Letra Música Whatcha Say – Jason Derulo

Wha-wha-what did she said?
Mmmm whatcha say?
Mmm that you only meant well?
Well of course you did
Mmmm whatcha say?
Mmmm that it’s all for the best?
Of course it is
I was so wrong for so long
Only tryin’ to please myself (myself)
Girl, I was caught up in her lust
When I don’t really want no one else

So, no I know I should of treated you better
But me and you were meant to last forever
So let me in (let me in)
Give me another chance (another chance)
To really be your man

‘Cause when the roof caved in
And the truth came out
I just didn’t know what to do
But when I become a star we’ll be living so large
I’ll do anything for you, so tell me girl

Mmmm whatcha say?
Mmm that you only meant well?
Well of course you did
Mmmm whatcha say? (whatcha say?)
Mmmm that it’s all for the best?
Of course it is
Mmmm whatcha say
Mmm that you only meant well?
Well of course you did
Mmmm whatcha say? (whatcha say?)
Wha-wha-wha-wha-what did she say?

How could I live with myself
Knowing that I let our love go? (love go)
And oh, when I do with one chance
I just gotta let you know

I know what I did wasn’t clever
But me and you we’re meant to be together
So let me in (let me in)
Give me another chance (another chance)
To really be your man

‘Cause when the roof caved in
And the truth came out
I just didn’t know what to do
But when I become a star we’ll be living so large
I’ll do anything for you, so tell me girl

Mmmm whatcha say?
Mmm that you only meant well?
Well of course you did
Mmmm whatcha say? (whatcha say, whatcha say?)
Mmmm that it’s all for the best?
Of course it is
Mmmm whatcha say
Mmm that you only meant well?
Well of course you did
Mmmm whatcha say? (whatcha say, whatcha say?)
Wha-wha-wha-wha-what did she say?

Girl, tell me whatcha said (said)
I don’t want you to leave me
Though you caught me cheatin’
Tell me, tell me whatcha said (said)
I really need you in my life
Cuz things ain’t right, girl
Tell me, tell me whatcha said (said)
I don’t want you to leave me
Though you caught me cheatin’
Tell me, tell me whatcha said (said)
I really need you in my life
Cuz things ain’t right

‘Cause when the roof caved in
And the truth came out
I just didn’t know what to do
But when I become a star we’ll be living so large
I’ll do anything for you, so baby whatcha say

Mmmm whatcha say?
Mmm that you only meant well?
Well of course you did
Mmmm whatcha say? (whatcha say, whatcha say?)
Mmmm that it’s all for the best?
Of course it is
Mmmm whatcha say
Mmm that you only meant well?
Well of course you did
Mmmm whatcha say? (whatcha say, whatcha say?)
Wha-wha-wha-wha-what did she say?Jason Derulo – Whatcha Say – Ouvir Música

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