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Letra Música Stuck On You – GIVĒON

Up in your room once again, tempted
Bad for me it’s the truth but I can’t miss this
Don’t tell my friends that I’m here to visit
Don’t tell my friends that I’m here
Mm, mm, mm
Waiting for you even how you treat me
You’re my baby even when you leave me
Maybe I’m the one to blame
Maybe I’m the cause of the pain
Waiting for you even how you treat me
You’re my baby even when you leave me
Maybe I’m the problem and the one that’s causing all of this

I can’t say I love you no more
‘Cause my friends gone judge me for sure
It took some time but I realized
You do me wrong but it feels right

I can’t say I love you no more
‘Cause my friends gone judge me for sure
It took some time but I realized
You do me wrong but it feels right
Feels like I’m stuck on you

Trust me I do understand, this is
Bad for me I’ma fool but I can’t, end it
Far from love, but I’m stuck
Staying while you kiss me
Saying that you miss me
Hate it when you temp me

Waiting for you even how you treat me
You’re my baby even when you leave me
Maybe I’m the one to blame
Maybe I’m the cause of the pain
Waiting for you even how you treat me
You’re my baby even when you leave me
Maybe I’m the problem and the one that’s causing all of this

I can’t say I love you no more
‘Cause my friends gone judge me for sure
It took some time but I realized
You do me wrong but it feels right

I can’t say I love you no more
‘Cause my friends gone judge me for sure
It took some time but I realized
You do me wrong but it feels right
Feels like I’m stuck on youGIVĒON – Stuck On You – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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