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Letra Música Survivor – Destiny’s Child

Now that you’re out of my life
I’m so much better
You thought that I’d be weak without you
But I’m stronger
You thought that I’d be broke without you
But I’m richer
You thought that I’d be sad without you
I laugh harder
You thought I wouldn’t grow without you
Now I’m wiser
Though that I’d be helpless without you
But I’m smarter
You thought that I’d be stressed without you
But I’m chillin’
You thought I wouldn’t sell without you
Sold nine million
I’m a survivor (what?)
I’m not gon’ give up (what?)
I’m not gon’ stop (what?)
I’m gon’ work harder (what?)
I’m a survivor (what?)
I’m gonna make it (what?)
I will survive (what?)
Keep on survivin’ (what?)

I’m a survivor (what?)
I’m not gon’ give up (what?)
I’m not gon’ stop (what?)
I’m gon’ work harder (what?)
I’m a survivor (what?)
I’m gonna make it (what?)
I will survive (what?)
Keep on survivin’ (what?)

Thought I couldn’t breathe without you
I’m inhalin’
You thought I couldn’t see without you
Perfect vision
You thought I couldn’t last without you
But I’m lastin’
You thought that I would die without you
But I’m livin’
Thought that I would fail without you
But I’m on top
Thought it would be over by now
But it won’t stop
Thought that I would self destruct
But I’m still here
Even in my years to come
I’m still gon’ be here

I’m a survivor (what?)
I’m not gon’ give up (what? Yeah)
I’m not gon’ stop (what?)
I’m gon’ work harder (what? Yeah)
I’m a survivor (what?)
I’m gonna make it (what? Yeah)
I will survive (what?)
Keep on survivin’ (what? Keep on survivin’, yeah)

I’m a survivor (what?)
I’m not gon’ give up (what? Yeah)
I’m not gon’ stop (what? I’m not)
I’m gon’ work harder (what? I’m gon’ work harder, yeah)
I’m a survivor (what?)
I’m gonna make it (what?)
I will survive (what? I will survive, yeah)
Keep on survivin’ (what?)

Wishin’ you the best
Pray that you are blessed
Bring much success, no stress, and lots of happiness
(I’m better than that)
I’m not gon’ blast you on the radio
(I’m better than that)
I’m not gon’ lie on you and your family, yo
(I’m better than that)
I’m not gon’ hate on you in the magazines
(I’m better than that)
I’m not gon’ compromise my Christianity
(I’m better than that)
You know I’m not gon’ diss you on the internet
‘Cause my mama taught me better than that

I’m a survivor (what?)
I’m not gon’ give up (what?)
I’m not gon’ stop (what? Hey)
I’m gon’ work harder (what?)
I’m a survivor (what? I’m a survivor)
I’m gonna make it (what?)
I will survive (what?)
Keep on survivin’ (what?)

I’m a survivor (what?)
I’m not gon’ give up (what?)
I’m not gon’ stop (what?)
I’m gon’ work harder (what?)
I’m a survivor (what? I’m a survivor)
I’m gonna make it (what?)
I will survive (what?)
Keep on survivin’ (what?)

Oh, oh, oh, oh-oh, oh, oh
After of all of the darkness and sadness
Soon comes happiness
If I surround myself with positive things
I’ll gain prosperity

I’m a survivor (what?)
I’m not gon’ give up (what?)
I’m not gon’ stop (what?)
I’m gon’ work harder (what?)
I’m a survivor (what?)
I’m gonna make it (what?)
I will survive (what?)
Keep on survivin’ (what?)

I’m a survivor (what?)
I’m not gon’ give up (what? Yeah)
I’m not gon’ stop (what?)
I’m gon’ work harder (what? Nothin’ could stop me now)
I’m a survivor (what?)
I’m gonna make it (what?)
I will survive (what?)
Keep on survivin’ (what? Yeah)

I’m a survivor (what?)
I’m not gon’ give up (what?)
I’m not gon’ stop (what?)
I’m gon’ work harder (what?)
I’m a survivor (what?)
I’m gonna make it (what?)
I will survive (what?)
Keep on survivin’ (what?)

I’m a survivor (what?)
I’m not gon’ give up (what?)
I’m not gon’ stop (what?)
I’m gon’ work harder (what?)
I’m a survivor (what?)
I’m gonna make it (what?)
I will survive (what?)
Keep on survivin’ (what?)Destiny’s Child – Survivor – Ouvir Música

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