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Letra Música Who Hurt You? – Daniel Caesar

Take me back to Georgia, back to Atlanta
Funny how present turns past
I might fly Priscilla out just for ‘Bana
So mesmerized by that ass
The way she moves it I can tell that she loves me
Nigga can’t help but to touch
Smack it ‘round a bit then sip on some bubbly
Hope I’m not doing too much

Strange new addictions picked up on the road
Changed my opinions and changed up my flows
Changed my approach, no more loving these hoes
And when it rains it pours, yeah

You make me feel so primal and
That’s what I am, I’m just a man
Take that pussy, drop it in my lap
I love it when you move like that
Now turn around and throw it back, it back, it back (I’m just a man)
Oh, no, no, no, no, oh

Strippers out in Vegas, New Orleans too
Booties just don’t shake like Priscilla’s do
Follies on a Tuesday, not one but two
Not one stack or two
Look at all the cash I blew

Strippers out in Vegas, New Orleans too
Booties just don’t shake like Priscilla’s do
Follies on a Tuesday, not one but two
Not one stack or two
Look at all the cash I blew

Strange new addictions picked up on the road (oh, up on the road)
Changed my opinions and changed up my flows (oh, up my flows)
Changed my approach, no more loving these hoes (changed my approach, loving these hoes)
And when it rains it pours, yeah

You make me feel so primal and (oh, oh, oh)
That’s what I am, I’m just a man (oh, oh, oh)
Take that pussy, drop it in my lap
I love it when you move like that
Now turn around and throw it back, it back, it back (I’m just a man)

(Take that pussy, drop it in my lap)
(I love it when you move like that)
(Now turn around and throw it back, it back, it back)Daniel Caesar – Who Hurt You? – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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