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Letra Música I Choose – Alessia Cara

All of my life
I thought I was right
Looking for something new
Stuck in my ways
Like old-fashioned days
But all the roads led me to you
The house that you live in don’t make it a home
But feeling lonely don’t mean you’re alone
People in life, they will come and they’ll leave
But if I had a choice I know where I would be

Through the lows and the highs, I will stay by your side
There’s no need for goodbyes, now I’m seeing the light
When the sky turns to grey and there’s nothing to say
At the end of the day, I choose you

Now I found the strength
To make a change
And look at the magic I found
Don’t matter the name
Or where you came from
‘Cause no one has much figured out

The house that you live in don’t make it a home
But feeling lonely don’t mean you’re alone
I finally found where I feel I belong
And I know you’ll be there with wide open arms

Through the lows and the highs, I will stay by your side
There’s no need for goodbyes, now I’m seeing the light
When the sky turns to grey and there’s nothing to say
At the end of the day, I choose you

I choose you

Through the lows and the highs, I will stay by your side
There’s no need for goodbyes, now I’m seeing the light

Through the lows and the highs, I will stay by your side
There’s no need for goodbyes, now I’m seeing the light
When the sky turns to grey and there’s nothing to say
At the end of the day, I choose you
Oh, I choose you

I choose youAlessia Cara – I Choose – Ouvir Música

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