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Letra Música What Happened To You? – The Offspring

What in the world happened to you?
Before you started tokin’
You used to have a brain
But now you don’t get even the simplest of the things
I can draw a little picture
Or even use my hands
I try to explain but you just don’t understand

Man you’re really losin’ it
And you’ve really done a lot of junk now
But you keep abusin’ it
What in the world happened to you

It’s bad enough you do it, you do it to yourself
But taking someone with you well you know that’s something else
I say I’m not that kind of person
I’m not that kind of man
I try to explain but you just don’t understand

Man you’re really losin’ it
And you’ve really done a lot of junk now
But you keep abusin’ it
What in the world happened to you

Man you’re really losing it
And you’ve really done a lot of junk now
But you keep on abusin’ it
What in the world happened to you

I might be sympathetic or cut a little slack
If I thought that you were willing to give a little back
But you do it in the morning
You do it in the night
You lie to refrain from just facing your life

So I’ll see you man tomorrow
You’ll be gackin’ up again
I’ll see you in a coffin by the time your wad is spent
I think of all the times that I tried to lend a hand
I try to explain but you just don’t understand

Man you’re really losin’ it
And you’ve really done a lot of junk now
But you keep abusin’ it
What in the world happened to
What in the world happened to
What in the world happened to youThe Offspring – What Happened To You? – Ouvir Música

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