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Letra Música Gotta Get Away – The Offspring

I’m gettin’ edgy all the time
Someone around me just a step behind
It’s kinda scary the shape I’m in
Walls are shakin’ and they’re closing in
Too fast or a bit too slow
I’m paranoid of people and it’s starting to show
One guy that I just can’t shake
Over my shoulder is a big mistake

Sitting on the bed or lying wide awake
There’s demons in my head and it’s more than I can take
Think I’m on a roll but I think it’s kinda weak
Saying all I know is I gotta get away from me

I tell you something just ain’t right.
My head is on loose but my shoes are tight
Avoiding my friends, they all bug
Life is like a riddle and I’m really stumped

If you reason, don’t you know
Your preoccupation is where you’ll go
You’re being followed, look around
It’s only my shadow creepin’ on the ground

Sitting on the bed or lying wide awake
There’s demons in my head and it’s more than I can take
Think I’m on a roll but I think it’s kinda weak
Saying all I know is I gotta get away from me
Gotta get away from me
Gotta get away from me

Sitting on the bed or lying wide awake
There’s demons in my head and it’s more than I can take
Think I’m on a roll but I think it’s kinda weak
Saying all I know is I gotta get away from me
Gotta get away from me
Gotta get away from me
Gotta get away from me
The Offspring – Gotta Get Away – Ouvir Música

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