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Letra Música Falling Apart – Papa Roach

I’ll follow you out of the dark
I tried it my way but I keep falling apart!
All that I see, is the wickedness around me
I refuse to believe
The apocalypse inside of me
I can’t even trust myself
I’m burning in my skin
Standing at the gates of hell
But nobody will let me in

I’ll follow you out of the dark
I tried it my way but I keep falling apart!
I’ll follow you, with all of my heart
I’m tired of my ways
‘Cause I keep falling, I’m falling apart!

I stand here again
Forsaken in a place
That feels like I can never win
I’m reaching for a saving grace
I can’t even trust no one
But I need to rise above
I don’t think I’m good enough
To feel your perfect love

I’ll follow you out of the dark
I tried it my way but I keep falling apart!
I’ll follow you, with all of my heart
I’m tired of my ways
‘Cause I keep falling, I’m falling apart!

I’m falling, I’m falling apart
I’m falling, I’m falling apart
I’m falling apart

Your love’s a fire, it’s alive and I’m burning in it.
I’m in the ashes of mercy, I’m covered in it
I fall hard and you carry me
I fall part so you can set me free

Your love’s a fire, it’s alive and I’m burning in it.
I’m in the ashes of mercy; I’m covered in it.
I fall hard and you carry me
I fall part so you can set me free

I’ll follow you out of the dark
I tried it my way but I keep falling apart!
I’ll follow you, with all of my heart
I’m tired of my ways
‘Cause I keep falling, I’m falling apart!

I’m falling, I’m falling apart!
Without you I’m falling apart!
I’m falling, I’m falling apartPapa Roach – Falling Apart – Ouvir Música

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