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Letra Música Blood Brothers – Papa Roach

Watch your back because the next man is comin’
And you don’t know if the next man is dumbin’
Survival of the fittest what it is
I got yo back, you got my back and that’s the biz
Blood, is rushing through my veins I got the power,
channel the energy
And with my strength I will devour
Sickening thoughts are running through my head
That’s when I realize I’m glad I’m not dead
Corruption and abuse, the salesman of our blood
For the public’s craving, existence in the dark

It’s our nature to destroy ourselves
It’s our nature to kill ourselves
It’s our nature to kill each other
It’s in our nature to kill, kill, kill

It was a dream and then it hit me, reality struck
And now my life is all shifty and it all moves fast
Close to buck 50 and we all stand strong
In respect to my family in times of our insanity
And through the words of profanity
I describe our dysfunctional family
Blood brothers keep it real to the end
Deeper than the thoughts that you think, not a trend

Corruption and abuse, the salesman of our blood
For the public’s craving, existence in the dark

It’s our nature to destroy ourselves
It’s our nature to kill ourselves
It’s our nature to kill each other
It’s in our nature to kill, kill, kill

It’s our nature to destroy ourselves
It’s our nature to kill ourselves
It’s our nature to kill each other
It’s in our nature to kill, kill, kill

Again and again

Corruption and abuse, the salesman of our blood
For the public’s craving, existence in the dark

It’s our nature to destroy ourselves
It’s our nature to kill ourselves
It’s our nature to kill each other
It’s in our nature to kill, kill, kill
kill, kill, kill, kill,
kill, kill, kill, kill,
kill, kill, kill, kill,
kill, kill, kill, kill,
kill, kill, kill, kill

It’s our nature to destroy ourselves
It’s our nature to kill ourselves
It’s our nature to kill each other
It’s in our nature to killPapa Roach – Blood Brothers – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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