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Letra Música Power To Believe – The Dream Academy

The Dream Academy – Power To Believe

He was born and raised in privilege
Took everything it gave
Had financial help from his father
From the cradle to the grave
And this enabled him to believe in the things
he did try hard, God forbid
he should give in to pointless wandering
but he would wander from time to time
Seeking guidance from the Holy
he tried to find the truth
Among the radical revolutionaries
Who canonized his youth
And gathering strength from the feeling that
To believe could undoubtedly change the world
Turned his back on education
And listened to the world
So with little or no formal education
he taught himself to work
Would often steal the pain it took
To rise up from the dirt
And out of desperation would
Disturb the millionaires
Whose patronage had helped the power
Rise up from thin air,
Then he sunk back into despair
Take me out in another world
Keep me warm and dry
Where other men are worrying
And other men must die
And when the lies are spoken
Give indurance to the weak
And when the heart of man is broken
Give the power to believeThe Dream Academy – Power To Believe – Ouvir Música

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