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Letra Música Wishful Thinkin’ – Sly And The Family Stone

You got that right, wishful thinking, kindly request
Your high school days again, but don’t let it be the end of you
You got that right, wishful thinking
Tryin’ to bear the cross, you can’t outsmart the boss
Don’t let it be the end of you

You got that right, wishful thinking
Playin’ with the moon, won’t you realize
We’ll get there soon
Don’t let it be the end of you, you got that right
You got that right, wishful thinking you got that right
You got that right, wishful thinking you got that right
You got that right, wishful thinking you got that right
You got that right, wishful thinking you got that right

Wishful thinking, she ain’t gonna get you that right
Wishful thinking, wishful thinking, you’re playing with the moon
Relax you’ll get there soon
Don’t let it be the end of
You or me or you or me or you or me or you or me

Wishful thinking, playing with the moon relax, we’ll
be there soon don’t let it be the end of
You or me or you or me or you or me or you or me
Wishful thinking, you got that right you got
that right you got that right
Well if you don’t know, you got that right
Wishful thinking wishful thinking wishful thinking,
that’s what we’re talking about here
You wanna know something
You got that right
You got that right
You got that right
Wishful thinking, you got that right
Wishful thinking, you got that rightSly And The Family Stone – Wishful Thinkin’ – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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