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Letra Música One More Time – Jon Anderson

Out in the woods we play our songs
And travel through the woodlands together
In the light of heaven and the silence of the world
Keeping in touch with the sun
Keeping it for everyone
Latter day traits that come your way
Will gather in the light
Everything about today just mellows
In the light, in your eyes
I think about the silent list
Drown the summer trouble light
All the deeds and the candlelight
But there is no explaining it
Let the weary come around
One more time, one more time
Let the weary come one more time around

Should’ve guessed the other day
That things were getting out of hand
When you told me you’d gone and left your father’s
Ways behind
When you thought that you couldn’t understand him
Well he didn’t really answer the dreams that you planned

So you chased around, all those times that come between
You, yourself and yourself one more time
One more time, one more time
Did you have to think about it, one more time
Put yourself under pressure, one more time

Things are looking better now
I heard you say the other day that you knew
So many times I tried to understand
We go through
Then again, it’s the morning light
It can catch my heart aflame
Just the thought of your sweet face
Over and over again
Over and over again, over and over again
Over and over and over and over, over againJon Anderson – One More Time – Ouvir Música

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