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Letra Música My Sweet Jane – Jon Anderson

Bring the glory, my sweet Jane
Down from heaven, down the lane
Sing the glory of her name
Singing, true li ay…
Spin the circle, make a chain
Dance the glory, niy sweet Jane
Bring the sunshine every day
Dancing, true li ay…

For all to know the world’s alive
At last the vision has survived
We see the future children sing
The glory of the world

As one together, pull together
One together we will be
Now the music is the power
Bringing love forever

The road ahead, the road ahead
The road ahead, can take us anywhere

Bring the glory, my sweet Jane
Down from heaven, down the lane
Sing the glory of her name
Singing, true li ay…

She takes me to a sacred place
Every time she kisses me
The light of love is on her face
Loving, true li ay…

We fly up to heaven on a wing
Listening for the birds to sing
We hear the angels on their wing
Every time we’re lovin’

For all to know the world’s alive
At last the vision has survived
We see the future children sing
The glory of the world

Bring the glory, my sweet Jane
Down from heaven, down the lane
Sing the glory of her name
Singing, true li ay…

The road ahead, the road ahead
The road ahead, can take us anywhere

I met her when my heart was low
She taught me how to love again
I watch her when she greets the day
I love her, true li ay…

A world of love is in her eyes
When she dances close to me
No one could ever take the prize
I love her, true li ay…

So deep inside my senses roar
When I hold her in my arms
I wake up to her every morn
Sunshine all the time

For all to know the world’s alive
At last the vision has survived
We see the future children sing
The glory of the world

Bring the glory, my sweet Jane
Down from heaven, down the lane
Sing the glory of her name
Singing, true li ay…

The road ahead, the road ahead
The road ahead, can take us anywhere

A world of love is in her eyes
When she dances close to me
No one could ever take the prize
I love her, true li ay…Jon Anderson – My Sweet Jane – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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