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Letra Música I Never Glid Before – Gong

The light gets stronger and all our eyes look
yonder to see what’s going on
But that’s all right you’ll soon be out
of sight and surfing to the sun
The moonwheel’s turning, the waves unfulling you’re
learning you’re Zero at the centre of the whirlpool
Your aquaman and in your hand is a watering,
can I now or can I not believe it leave it to be
The fun gods winking and we’re all blinking and
thinking we’re sinking in the sea
You’re in your glider the tide you’re riding inside her
is turnin with the moony like the sky… boy

Okay, you’re Mister Illusion
Smiling in all this confusion
Cos you’re young today, tomorrow start to play
I’d just like to say

No I never
No I never ever ever glid before
I never – oh no

Last warning tide turning
Moon burning slow motion
Waves that you ride
Just to bolster your pride
But if it’s love that you’re after
The craft of a hero
Will vibe at your side as alone you may glide
With a tiny afterthought
Flashing as the planet calls

I never never glid before

Open up the veil and let us take a peep in
Thru the moon and diving deep we’ll meet the whale
Where rides the captain submarine
Who told the tale of pixies green
That sends us kisses in the brain
And out-far planets never seen
Except by technicolour dream

I never never glid before

That’s another story – now’s the time to go and find
The cuppa tea – seeGong – I Never Glid Before – Ouvir Música

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