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Letra Música All Things $ Can Do (Travis Barker & Cheat Codes) – Tove Styrke

Some days, feel like the bottom of the ocean
I’m getting too deep and I don’t know if
It gets any better when I see the light, light
The only thing that I want is a distraction
I just can’t explain the way I’m actin’
I know it’ll hit me when it all slows down, down

Scared to be all alone
Can no one else hear?
I gotta be lonely for the night
I’m stuck on my mind
But I want outside
So I’ma get it right

Like ooh (ha)
All the things that money can do
Why be sad when I can I buy something new?
I don’t even care if I’m wastin’ my time
I don’t even care like ooh, ooh, ooh

I don’t take a break, I’m always crashin’
I’m scared of the things that wouldn’t happen
Like what if the Sun came shootin’ out the sky, the sky

Scared to be all alone
Can no one else hear?
I gotta be lonely for the night
I’m stuck on my mind
But I want outside
So I’ma get it right

Like ooh
All the things that money can do
Why be sad when I can I buy something new?
I don’t even care if I’m wastin’ my time
I don’t even care like ooh, ooh, ooh
All the things that money can do
Why be sad when I can I buy something new?
I don’t even care if I’m losin’ my mind
I don’t even care

Scared to be all alone
Can no one else hear?
I gotta be lonely for the night
I’m stuck on my mind
But I want outside
So I’ma get it right

Like ooh
All the things that money can do
Why be sad when I can I buy something new?
I don’t even care if I’m wastin’ my time
I don’t even care like ooh, ooh, ooh
All the things that money can do
Why be sad when I can I buy something new?
I don’t even care if I’m losin’ my mind
I don’t even care

No, I don’t careTove Styrke – All Things $ Can Do (Travis Barker & Cheat Codes) – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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