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Letra Música Ignorance Is Bliss – Jellyfish

Wake up!
Miss Toadstool, it is I, your one and only King,
Bowser Koopa
I’m a turtle as you’ve seen
A little slow and a little green
But on the whole I’d say
Super duper
Princess Toadstool, I know you’re frightened
‘Cause if you knew just why you’re here
Your fear would just be heightened
So let’s just say
Ignorance is bliss

Oh, well, I hate to be a bummer
I’ve brought you here to bring me plumbers
You know those brothers
Oh, what’s their names?
Oh yes, Mario and Luigi
Just the sound of them makes me queasy
I’d like to take that monkey wrench
I’d play my own game

Princess Toadstool, you’re so misguided
I’ve never been fond of bookworms
But then again this one does make good Mario bait
I can’t wait
Ignorance is bliss!

With my magic book
I’ll shower those clumsy lizards with my power
Until Dinosaur Land is nothing but fossil fuel
My only problem with these spells
Is that I know not what they tell
So every hex leaves me perplexed
And all I want are those plumbing fools

Princess Toadstool, you’re not so clever
All your words are alphabet soup
A picture tells it better
I’ll say it again
Ignorance is bliss

Haven’t you heard? A picture’s worth a thousand words.

You call yourself a princess but you’re a brainiac in a dress
I can’t believe you waste time with these books
You remind me of my kid sister
She read so much she got a blister
A big one, I mean big, on her brain, what a snook!

(I’d like to get my hands on…)
(Just one time with a monkey wrench…)
(I’d fix their plumbing…)

Princess Toadstool, I know you’re frightened (You’re so misguided)
‘Cause if you knew just why you’re here
Your fear would just be heightened

Princess Toadstool, you’re not so clever (Pictures say it better)
All your words are alphabet soup
A picture tells it better

For the last time –

On second thought, I think I’ve made my point.Jellyfish – Ignorance Is Bliss – Ouvir Música

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*Reprodução de matéria publicada no portal Época Online