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Letra Música Becky I Keep Singing This Song – Hey Rosetta

You’re under another night
And you drank too much of that rye
You’re riding your bike
And you’re tearing a left at the lights
You can smell that the summer is done
And the winter hangs over us all
You’ll go to work when the morning has come
But now there’s nothing but stars
Pull me out of my, pull me out of my body
And into the black
The one feeling you wanted, you want it,
Is the one thing you’re holding back

Now no one could call you weak
You’ve been as stoic and strong as could be
But nothing is simple or straight
And you drank till they turned you away
There’s so much to take in, so much to taste
Even shadows and edges all explode in your face
But then remember a fall night
With the moon as big as your mind

Becky, i keep having this dream
In the night where it seems i can fly
But only when no one’s around
When the people appear i come plummeting down
Jung, carl, tell me, what can that mean?
I swear i’m not scared, i’m just happy to be here
How can you tell me that these beautiful things
Are holding me back before i even begin?

Becky, i keep having this thought
That you don’t even exist and i just made you up
Cause it’s a sin to be alone in your prime
On the grass with a stain on your pants from your bike
Young carl, tell me, what can it mean?
I swear i’m not sad i’m just lucky to be here
How can you tell me that these beautiful things
Are holding me back before i even begin…

To pull me out of my, pull me out of my body
And into the black
The one feeling you wanted, you want it,
Is the one thing you’re holding back
Pull me out of it, pull me out of it
And into the black-black-black
Pull me out of it and into a fall night
Where you’re falling off of your bikeHey Rosetta – Becky I Keep Singing This Song – Ouvir Música

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