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Letra Música Money – Matt Morris

Money matters when you’re broke, when you’re broke
and money fixes for awhile.
If you got money if your wallet you got permission
to enjoy yourself for awhile.
But money burns, Money turns the very best into the worst criminal child
money matters, money kills, money makes the world go round

money, money ain’t the villain
money its greed thats the killer
money, money ain’t the villain
money, its greed thats the killer

dollar bills buying pills giving thrills in the evening sunset light
middle seat in the back in between a couple hooligans sunset light
light em up let em down i’m going downtown to find some play tonight
dollar bills give em thrills in the back of their best friends ride

money, money aint the villain
money its greed thats the killer
money, money aint the villain
money, its greed thats the killer

penny quarter nickel and dime
how you make change without money
penny quarter nickel and dime
how you make change tell me how you make change without

money money ain’t the villain
money its greed thats a killer

money matters when you’re broke when you’re broke
and money fixes for awhile

money money ain’t the villain
money its greed thats a killer

penny quarter nickel and dime
how you make change without money
money money ain’t the villain yall
money its greed thats a killer

money matters

money money ain’t the villain
money its greed thats a killer

penny quarter nickel and dime how you make change without moneyMatt Morris – Money – Ouvir Música

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