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Letra Música The Grey (VIXI) – Bury Tomorrow

I have lived a life to defy
From the first time I died
To the last soul alive
I am not afraid
Of suffocating slowly, dying lonely
I’m cold and in the shade
I hear words unspoken, time uncertain

I have been longing for an answer
No words to hold

I will lead you to the dust
Memories will fade for us
I have said I cannot stay
Take this with you to the grey

I have lived a life to defy
From the first time I died
To the last soul alive

I have lived a life to defy
From the first time I died
To the last soul alive

I have not been changed
Still pacing, moving closer, is it over
The ghost, I still remain
I hear chains in motion, graves left open

I have been longing for an answer
No words to hold

I will lead you to the dust
Memories will fade for us
I have said I cannot stay
Take this with you to the grey

Bury me under the soil deep
I want the rot from my bones to feed the trees
You will honor me as an enemy
Let our trial be the bricks of a memory

Bury me under the soil deep
I want the rot from my bones to feed the trees
You will honor me as an enemy
Let our trial be the bricks of a memory

I will lead you to the dust
Memories will fade for us
I have said I cannot stay
Take this with you to the grey

I will lead you to the dust
Memories will fade for us
I have said I cannot stay
Take this with you to the grey

I have lived a life to defy
From the first time I died
To the last soul aliveBury Tomorrow – The Grey (VIXI) – Ouvir Música

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