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Letra Música Stormbringer – Bury Tomorrow

Set fire to the rope that binds, remove the veil that has covered your eyes
Tear the bricks from the walls inside, no respect for the symbol that flies
Process the feelings, and send it the order, let them know we are destroying borders
Watch them try to rebuild their power, as we stand a relentless tower
Fear, is how they command the helpless, crush the will, no room for surrender
Hear the cries of the lawless, let them be the voice for us

Controlling with your power, it’s all you have
We’ll burn it all you cowards
Let us take it back
Have you learnt a lesson?
A new opposition?
A regime undone
Redefine or redesign it all

Storm bringers
Force the fall
Storm bringers

Fear, is how they command the helpless, crush the will, no room for surrender
Hear the cries of the lawless, let them be the voice for us

Controlling with your power, it’s all you have
We’ll burn it all you cowards
Let us take it back

Burn, burn the flag
A notion defamed
A nation repaid
Burn, burn the flag
A notion defamed
A nation repaid

Controlling with your power, it’s all you have
Controlling with your power, it’s all you have
We’ll burn it all you cowards
Let us take it back
Let us take it backBury Tomorrow – Stormbringer – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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