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Letra Música Man On Fire – Bury Tomorrow

Fear of the sacred
We’re blurring lines between the real and the fake here
And so I’ll scream: Return to me
Return to me, return to me
Breathe slowly; take shallow breaths
Fear will strip you ‘til there’s nothing left
We are all the same
Seeking comfort in the knowledge that we’re insane
Fear nothing, but your own mind
We drag ourselves through the fires. Blind

Free me – said the man on fire
Release me to the higher
Finding sanity I know, will leave me breathless
Find me – said the man on fire
Release me to the higher
Forever in the dark alone, forgotten

My vision must be failing
I’m seeing shadows in the dark
And all I hear is screaming
Is it paranoia, that keeps calling me?
Or the voices of the souls that used to be?
I must find a way to drown out the sound!
I must find a way to drown out the sound!

“Free me – said the man on fire
“Release me to the higher
Finding sanity I know, will leave me breathless”
“Find me – said the man on fire
“Release me to the higher
Forever in the dark alone, forgotten”

Set me alight, for I am losing it
Set me alight, for I am losing it
Set me alight, for I am losing it
Set me alight, trappped in my mind

Fear of the sacred
We’re blurring lines between the real and the fake here
And so I’ll scream: Return to me
Return to me, return to meBury Tomorrow – Man On Fire – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

SBT condenado pagar ao MMT por uso de musicas na programacao da emissora desde 2006


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