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Letra Música Imposter – Bury Tomorrow

You have always been the first to say
That I am worthless in every single way
I have been tired for so long now
How can I drown out the sound
Two’s a crowd
A voice so loud
When there’s no one around
Pushing me down
Two’s a crowd
A voice so loud
When there’s no one around
I hear the sound

Hear the sound
To be living on the limit, of every single minute
I am on the ground
Shrouded by the image, struggling to see it
Please Imposter can’t you tell
That I’m spinning in this hell
Constant moments I can see
Cutting tears inside of me

How do you ever expect me to be
Closer when you have the key
Relinquish the hold you have over me
You make it hard to believe
Two’s a crowd
A voice so loud
When there’s no one around
Pushing me down
Two’s a crowd
A voice so loud
When there’s no one around
I hear the sound

Hear the sound
To be living on the limit, of every single minute
I am on the ground
Shrouded by the image, struggling to see it
Please Imposter can’t you tell
That I’m spinning in this hell
Constant moments I can see
Cutting tears inside of me

I have spent months, maybe years, listening to what you’ve said
I stand here now
Face to face again
Cut off my head
Cut off my head

I have spent months, maybe years, listening to what you’ve said
I stand here now
Face to face again
Cut off my head
Hear the sound
To be living on the limit, of every single minute
I am on the ground
Shrouded by the image, struggling to see it
Please Imposter can’t you tell
That I’m spinning in this hell
Constant moments I can see
Cutting tears inside of meBury Tomorrow – Imposter – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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