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Letra Música Abandon Us – Bury Tomorrow

Pray in the fire
Peace in the wild
See the world clearly as the flames rise higher
Chaos contained
The heart remains
All your flesh is burning but you can’t feel the pain

I’m telling you now, we were left for dead
We were left for dead, we were left for dead
I’m telling you now, we were left for dead
We were left for dead

How could they do that to us?
Remove the veil and the doubt
They’ll see the worst of us now
Turned their back to cast out
How could they do that to us?
Face the pain and push down
Not all lost can be found
Forced to break and cast out
How could they do that to us
You abandoned us completely

Alone condemned to walk the plains
As vultures feed on what remains of our descent
You know we did it to ourselves
If we’re condemned to walk the plains
Where vultures feed on what remains of our descent
You know who did it to us so

Pray in the fire
Peace in the wild
See the world clearly as the flames rise higher

Chaos contained
The heart remains
All your flesh is burning but you can’t feel the pain

Reviling in our own sick selfishness
Consequential insignificance
Reviling in our own sick selfishness
Forever denying our right to exist

Alone condemned to walk the plains
As vultures feed on what remains of our descent
You know we did it to ourselves
If we’re condemned to walk the plains
Where vultures feed on what remains of our descent
You know who did it to ourselves

Remove the veil and the doubt
They’ll see the worst of us now
Turned their back to cast out
How could they do that to us?
Remove the veil and the doubt
They’ll see the worst of us now
You turned your back

You fucking abandoned us
You fucking abandoned us
How could you do that to us?
You fucking abandoned usBury Tomorrow – Abandon Us – Ouvir Música

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