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You Gotta Belive (Wutz Goin On)

You see i really lost her number
Now i’ve really got to find her
Somehow i’ve gotta make
Her understand
That i can’t leave no days
Without her.

However, i believe
If you really wanna know
That some day or night
She will remember how we were
We were
On those days and nights
That we came close
We came close

To the feel of what love is
And now the time has come.
That’s why you gotta believe
In the things that you love you know
Jump on your dreams if you want to show
To yourself all the things you want tomorrow
That’s why you gotta believe
In the things that you love you know
Jump on that

To yourself because you better be safe then
Oh, now, now, now, now… what’s going on
If they say parapapapa, i mean what’s going on
Tell me just what… what’s going on
If they say parapapapa, i mean what’s going on

And then i went around her way and them
I started asking people about her
Well if you know her you would understand
Why i can’t go no days without her


However, i believe
If you really wanna know
That some day or night
She will remember how we were
We were
On those days and nights
That we came close
We came close
To the feel of what love is
And now the time has come.

That’s why you gotta believe
In the things that you love you know
Jump on your dreams if you want to show
To yourself all the things you want tomorrow
That’s why you gotta believe
In the things that you love you know

Jump on that
To yourself because you better be safe then
Oh, now, now, now, now… what’s going on
If they say parapapapa, i mean what’s going on
Tell me just what… what’s going on

If they say parapapapa, i mean what’s going on
And then i went around her way and them
I started asking people about her
Well if you know her you would understand
Why i can’t go no days without her.

Chorus .Estilo: POP MPB Artista: Maria Gadú Canal no Youtube: Maria Gadú

You Gotta Belive (Wutz Goin On) – Maria Gadú

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