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Letra Música Sweet Nothing – Taylor Swift

I spy with my little tired eye
Tiny as a firefly, a pebble that we picked up last July
Down deep inside your pocket
We almost forgot it
Does it ever miss Wicklow sometimes?
Ooh, ooh

They said the end is comin’
Everyone’s up to something
I found myself running home to your sweet nothings
Outside they’re push and shoving
You’re in the kitchen humming
All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing

On the way home
I wrote a poem
You say: What a mind
This happens all the time

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

‘Cause they said the end is comin’
Everyone’s up to something
I found myself running home to your sweet nothings
Outside they’re push and shoving
You’re in the kitchen humming
All that you ever wanted from me was nothing

Industry disruptors and soul deconstructors
And smooth-talking hucksters out-glad-handing each other
And the voices that implore, you should be doing more
To you I can admit that I’m just too soft for all of it

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

They said the end is comin’
Everyone’s up to something
I found myself running home to your sweet nothings
Outside they’re push and shoving
You’re in the kitchen humming
All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing

They said the end is comin’ (they said the end is comin’)
Everyone’s up to something (everyone’s up to something)
I found myself running home to your sweet nothings
Outside they’re push and shoving (outside they’re push and shoving)
You’re in the kitchen humming (you’re in the kitchen humming)
All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothingTaylor Swift – Sweet Nothing – Ouvir Música

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