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Letra Música Stitches – Shawn Mendes

I thought that I’d been hurt before
But no one’s ever left me quite this sore
Your words cut deeper than a knife
Now I need someone to breathe me back to life
Got a feeling that I’m going under
But I know that I’ll make it out alive
If I quit calling you my lover
Move on

You watch me bleed until I can’t breathe
Shaking, falling onto my knees
And now that I’m without your kisses
I’ll be needing stitches

Tripping over myself
Aching, begging you to come help
And now that I’m without your kisses
I’ll be needing stitches

Just like a moth drawn to a flame
Oh, you lured me in, I couldn’t sense the pain
Your bitter heart cold to the touch
Now I’m gonna reap what I sow
I’m left seeing red on my own

Got a feeling that I’m going under
But I know that I’ll make it out alive
If I quit calling you my lover
Move on

You watch me bleed until I can’t breathe
Shaking, falling onto my knees
And now that I’m without your kisses
I’ll be needing stitches

Tripping over myself
Aching, begging you to come help
And now that I’m without your kisses
I’ll be needing stitches

Needle and the thread
Gotta get you out of my head
Needle and the thread
Gonna wind up dead
Needle and the thread
Gotta get you out of my head
Needle and the thread
Gonna wind up dead (gonna wind up dead)

Needle and the thread
Gotta get you out of my head
Needle and the thread
Gonna wind up dead (wind up dead)
Needle and the thread
Gotta get you out of my head
Get you out of my head

You watch me bleed until I can’t breathe (you watch me)
Shaking, falling onto my knees
(Falling on my knees)
And now that I’m without your kisses
I’ll be needing stitches
(And I’ll be needing stitches)

Tripping over myself
Aching, begging you to come help
(Begging, baby, please)
And now that I’m without your kisses
I’ll be needing stitches

(And now that)
I’m without your kisses
I’ll be needing stitches
(And now that)
I’m without your kisses
I’ll be needing stitchesShawn Mendes – Stitches – Ouvir Música

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