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Letra Música Monster (feat. Justin Bieber) – Shawn Mendes

You put me on a pedestal and tell me I’m the best
Raise me up into the sky until I’m short of breath (yeah)
Fill me up with confidence, I say what’s in my chest
Spill my words and tear me down until there’s nothing left
Rearrange the pieces just to fit me with the rest, yeah
But what if I, what if I trip?
What if I, what if I fall?
Then am I the monster?
Just let me know
And what if I, what if I sin?
And what if I, what if I break? Yeah
Then am I the monster? Yeah
Just let me know, yeah

I was fifteen when the world put me on a pedestal
I had big dreams of doin’ shows and making memories
Made some bad moves tryna act cool, upset by their jealousy
Lifting me up (lifting me up), lifting me up (yeah)
And tearing me down (down), tearing me down (down, down)
I’ll take responsibility for everything I’ve done (yeah)
Holding it against me (yeah) like you’re the holy one (yeah)

I had a chip on my shoulder, had to let it go
‘Cause unforgiveness keeps them in control
I came in with good intentions then I let it go
And now I really wanna know

What if I, what if I trip? (Oh)
What if I, what if I fall? (I fall)
Then am I the monster? (Am I the monster?)
Just let me know (let me know)
And what if I, what if I sin? (Oh)
And what if I, what if I break?
Then am I the monster? (Am I the monster?)
Just let me know (oh, please just let me know, yeah)

La-da-da-duh-duh (but what if I fall?)
La-da-da-duh-duh (please don’t let me fall)
La-da-da-da-duh-duh (oh, please don’t let me fall)
La-da-da-duh-duh-duh-naShawn Mendes – Monster (feat. Justin Bieber) – Ouvir Música

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