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Letra Música Hard 2 Face Reality (feat. Poo Bear & Jay Electronica) – Justin Bieber

Sometimes it’s hard to face reality, oh, oh
Even though you might get mad at me, oh, oh
Sometimes it’s hard to face reality
Should’ve been adjusted to my life
Had the oppurtunity to stay away for the last time
Now you’re standing right in front of me
It hurts me to know that I lied
Trying to protect your feelings
You’ve been in between the lines
Hope your heart is still in healing

Sometimes it’s hard to face reality, oh, oh
Even though you might get mad at me, oh, oh
Sometimes it’s hard to face reality

Don’t be afraid to stand alone
Don’t be afraid to stand outside the comfort zone
I know it’s hard away from home
And it ain’t easy all alone
Relationships over the phone
Talkin’ to your significant other all night long

Sometimes it’s hard to face reality, oh, oh
Even though you might get mad at me, oh, oh
Sometimes it’s hard to face reality

Love and death are quite similar
How they come ando go like cat burglars
Reality is kind hard to face
Like actual facts is for flat-earthers
Rain’s a requirement for flowers to grow
And pain’s a requirement for power to grow
It’s a miracle how one can change
From one what was just hours ago
Such is life, though, it’s just a cycle
The bigger picture and the smaller picture
It’s exactly the same, it’s macro, micro
Crack your atom and let your light glow
One day you can be the King of Pop and the next one just be wack old Michael
It’s human nature, just like he told us
Let’s face reality, crack the cycle

Know it hurts to see the truth in your face
Circumstances bring you down to your knees
Go on and cry an ocean, but don’t drown in it
Enough to put your heart at ease
Oh, don’t lose your self esteem
I apologise for being a man
It’s way harder than what it seems

Sometimes it’s hard to face reality, oh, oh (reality)
Even though you might get mad at me, oh, oh (you might get mad at me, but I’ll be at your bedside)
Sometimes it’s hard to face reality
Sometimes it’s hard to face realityJustin Bieber – Hard 2 Face Reality (feat. Poo Bear & Jay Electronica) – Ouvir Música

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