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Letra Música Certain Things (feat. Chasing Grace) – James Arthur

Something about you
It’s like an addiction, hit me with your best shot, honey
I’ve got no reason to doubt you
‘Cause certain things hurt and you’re my only virtue
And I’m virtually yours
And you keep coming back, coming back again
Keep running round, running round, running round my head

And there’s certain things that I adore
And there’s certain things that I ignore
But I’m certain that I’m yours
Certain that I’m yours
Certain that I’m yours

There’s something about you
It’s when you get angry, you have me at your mercy
Mmm, and you’re like a shoulder to turn to
‘Cause certain things burn just when we’re hanging on for dear life
We held on so tight

And you keep coming back, coming back again
Keep running round, running round, running round my head

And there’s certain things that I adore (there’s certain things that I adore)
And there’s certain things that I ignore
But I’m certain that I’m yours
Certain that I’m yours (certain that I’m yours)
Certain that I’m yours

There’s certain things that I adore (there’s certain things that I adore)
There’s certain things that I ignore (let’s ignore them, let’s ignore them)
But I’m certain that I’m yours
Certain that I’m yours (I adore you, I adore you)
Certain that I’m yours

Let’s ignore them, let’s ignore them

I adore you, I adore you (oh)
I adore you, I adore you
Let’s ignore them, let’s ignore them
Let’s ignore them, let’s ignore them
Certain that I’m yoursJames Arthur – Certain Things (feat. Chasing Grace) – Ouvir Música

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