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Told them your dreams, and they all started laughing
I guess you’re out of your mind until it actually happens

I’m the small town
One in seven billion
Why can’t it be me

They told me I was out there
Tried to knock me down
Took those sticks and stones
Showed ‘em I could build a house
They tell me that I’m crazy
But I’ll never let ‘em change me
‘Til they cover me in daisies, daisies, daisies
They said I’m going nowhere
Tried to count me out
Took those sticks and stones
Showed ‘em I could build a house
They tell me that I’m crazy
But I’ll never let ‘em change me
‘Til they cover me in daisies, daisies, daisies

When did we all stop believing in magic
Why did we put all our hopes
In a box in the attic

I’m the long shot
I’m the Hail Mary
Why can’t it be me

They told me I was out there
Tried to knock me down
Took those sticks and stones
Showed ‘em I could build a house
They tell me that I’m crazy
But I’ll never let ‘em change me
‘Til they cover me in daisies, daisies, daisies
They said I’m going nowhere
Tried to count me out
Took those sticks and stones
Showed ‘em I could build a house
They tell me that I’m crazy
But I’ll never let ‘em change me
‘Til they cover me in daisies, daisies, daisies

I’m the small town
One in seven billion
Why can’t it be me

They told me I was out there
Tried to knock me down
Took those sticks and stones
Showed ‘em I could build a house
They tell me that I’m crazy
But I’ll never let ‘em change me
‘Til they cover me in daisies, daisies, daisies
They said I’m going nowhere
Tried to count me out
Took those sticks and stones
Showed ‘em I could build a house
They tell me that I’m crazy
But I’ll never let ‘em change me
‘Til they cover me in daisies, daisies, daisiesEstilo: POP DANCE Artista: Katy Perry Canal no Youtube: Katy Perry

Daisies – Katy Perry

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Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

‘Meia-noite’, de Tarcísio do Acordeon, é uma das músicas mais tocadas do Brasil!

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Senador Marcelo Crivella doa cheque no valor R$ 525 mil oriundo dos direitos autorais de suas músicas executadas em 2005

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Direito autoral – MMT vence Oi FM no STJ

?*Reprodução de matéria publicada no blog do Ancelmo Gois

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Confira a agenda de novembro da Solteirões do Forró

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