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Letra Música Memories – Conan Gray

It’s been a couple months
That’s just about enough time
For me to stop crying
When I look at all the pictures
Now I kinda smile
I haven’t felt that in a while
It’s late, I hear the doorbell ringing
And it’s pouring
I open up that door
See your brown eyes at the entrance
You just wanna talk
And I can’t turn away a wet dog

But please don’t ruin this for me
Please don’t make it harder than it already is
I’m trying to get over this

I wish that you would stay in my memories
But you show up today just to ruin things
I wanna put you in the past
‘Cause I’m traumatized
But you’re not letting me do that

‘Cause tonight
You’re all drunk in my kitchen
Curled in the fetal position
Too busy playing the victim
To be listening to me when I say
I wish that you would stay in my memories
In my memories
Stay in my memories

Now I can’t say goodbye
If you stay here the whole night
You see, it’s hard to find an end
To something that you keep beginning
Over and over again
I promise that the ending always stays the same

So there’s no good reason
In make believing
That we could ever exist again
I can’t be your friend
I can’t be your lover
I can’t be the reason we hold back each other
From falling in love, with somebody other than me

I wish that you would stay in my memories
But you show up today just to ruin things
I wanna put you in the past
‘Cause I’m traumatized
But you’re not letting me do that

‘Cause tonight
You’re all drunk in my kitchen
Curled in the fetal position
Too busy playing the victim
To be listening to me when I say
I wish that you would stay in my memories
In my memories
Stay in my memories

Since you came, I guess I’ll let you stay
For as long as it takes
To grab your books and your coat
And that one good cologne that you bought
When we were fighting
‘Cause it’s still on my clothes
Everything that I own
And it makes me feel like dying
I was barely just surviving

I wish that you would stay in my memories
But you show up today just to ruin things
I wanna put you in the past ‘cause I’m traumatized
But you’re not letting me do that

‘Cause tonight
You’re all drunk in my kitchen
Curled in the fetal position
Too busy playing the victim
To be listening to me when I say
I wish that you would stay in my memories
In my memories
Stay in my memoriesConan Gray – Memories – Ouvir Música

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