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Letra Música A New Day Has Come – Céline Dion

A new day, aah
A new day, aah
I was waiting for so long
For a miracle to come
Everyone told me to be strong
Hold on and don’t shed a tear

Through the darkness and good times
I knew I’d make it through
And the world thought I had it all
But I was waiting for you

Hush, now
I see a light in the sky
Oh, it’s almost blinding me
I can’t believe
I’ve been touched by an angel with love

Let the rain come down and wash away my tears
Let it fill my soul and drown my fears
Let it shatter the walls for a new Sun
A new day has

Where it was dark, now, there’s light
Where there was pain, now, there’s joy
Where there was weakness, I found my strength
All in the eyes of a boy

Hush, now
I see a light in the sky
Oh, it’s almost blinding me
I can’t believe
I’ve been touched by an angel with love

Let the rain come down and wash away my tears
Let it fill my soul and drown my fears
Let it shatter the walls for a new Sun
A new day has

Let the rain come down and wash away my tears
Let it fill my soul and drown my fears
Let it shatter the walls for a new Sun
A new day has
Come, ooh

Hush, now
I see a light in your eyes
All in the eyes of a boy
(A new day)
I can’t believe
I’ve been touched by an angel with love
I can’t believe
I’ve been touched by an angel with love
(A new day)

Hush, now, aah
A new day, aah

Hush, now, aah
A new day, aahCéline Dion – A New Day Has Come – Ouvir Música

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