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Letra Música watch – Billie Eilish

Lips meet teeth and tongue
My heart skips eight beats at once
If we were meant to be
We would have been by now
See what you wanna see
But all I see is him right now
I’ll sit and watch your car burn
With the fire that you started in me
But you never came back to ask it out

Go ahead and watch my heart burn
With the fire that you started in me
But I’ll never let you back to put it out

Your love feels so fake
And my demands aren’t high to make
If I could get to sleep
I would have slept by now
Your lies will never keep
I think you need to blow ‘em out

I’ll sit and watch your car burn
With the fire that you started in me
But you never came back to ask it out

Go ahead and watch my heart burn
With the fire that you started in me
But I’ll never let you back to put it out

When you call my name
Do you think I’ll come runnin’?
You never did the same
So good at givin’ me nothin’

When you close your eyes
Do you picture me?
When you fantasize
Am I your fantasy?
Now you know, now I’m free

I’ll sit and watch your car burn
With the fire that you started in me
But you never came back to ask it out

Watch my heart burn
With the fire that you started in me
But I’ll never let you back to put it out

Never let you back
Let you back, let you back
Never gonna let you back
Let you backBillie Eilish – watch – Ouvir Música

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