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Letra Música everything i wanted – Billie Eilish

I had a dream
I got everything I wanted
Not what you’d think
And if I’m bein’ honest
It might’ve been a nightmare
To anyone who might care
Thought I could fly (fly)
So I stepped off the Golden, hmm
Nobody cried (cried, cried)
Nobody even noticed
I saw them standing right there
Kinda thought they might care (might care, might care)

I had a dream
I got everything I wanted
But when I wake up, I see
You with me

And you say: As long as I’m here, no one can hurt you
Don’t wanna lie here, but you can learn to
If I could change the way that you see yourself
You wouldn’t wonder why you hear: They don’t deserve you

I tried to scream
But my head was underwater
They called me weak
Like I’m not just somebody’s daughter
It could’ve been a nightmare
But it felt like they were right there

And it feels like yesterday was a year ago
But I don’t wanna let anybody know
‘Cause everybody wants something from me now
And I don’t wanna let ‘em down

I had a dream
I got everything I wanted
But when I wake up, I see
You with me

And you say: As long as I’m here, no one can hurt you
Don’t wanna lie here, but you can learn to
If I could change the way that you see yourself
You wouldn’t wonder why you hear: They don’t deserve you

If I knew it all then, would I do it again?
Would I do it again?
If they knew what they said would go straight to my head
What would they say instead?

If I knew it all then, would I do it again?
Would I do it again?
If they knew what they said would go straight to my head
What would they say instead?Billie Eilish – everything i wanted – Ouvir Música

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