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Letra Música HEATED – Beyoncé

Got a lot of bands, got a lot of Hermès on me
Got a lot of bands, got a lot of Ivy on me
I gotta fan myself off, I gotta fan myself off
I gotta cool down, heated (like Coco Chanel, put me up in jail)
I gotta cool it down, heated, yeah, yeah (like stolen Chanel, put me up in jail)
It’s been a lot of years, you really think you’re getting one past me?
I gotta fan myself off, I gotta fan myself off
I gotta cool it down, heated
You got me heated, heated, oh

Never met a girl with a mind like this, no, no
To give you space at a time like this, my love
Never met a girl so fine like this, no, no, no, no, no
With a waist that whine like this, my love

Only a real one could tame me
Only the radio could play me
Oh, now you wish I was complacent
Boy, you must’ve mixed up our faces
Oh, now you wanna have conversations
See how you’re testing my patience, yeah, yeah, yeah

Got a lot of bands, got a lot of Chanel on me
I gotta fan myself off, I gotta fan myself off
I gotta cool down, heated (like stolen Chanel, put me up in jail)
I gotta cool it down, heated (tip, tip, tipping on)

I got a lot of style, got a lot of Tiffany on me
I gotta fan myself off, I gotta fan myself off
I gotta cool it down, heated (I’m hot, hot, hot)
You got me heated, oh (like stolen Chanel, put me up in jail)

Whole lotta reservations, whole lotta
Whole lotta texting with no conversations
Whole lotta playing victim and the villain at the same time
Whole lotta, yeah, money, not a lot of patience
Whole lotta niggas been waiting, they want some time on it
Now I wanna flaunt it, panty and a bra, we can get evolved, boy (wake up pretty)
You keep playing my heart, boy, I’m just as petty as you are (petty, petty, petty, petty)

Only a real man can tame me
Only the radio can play me
Only my baby

Got a lot of bands, got a lot of Chanel on me
I gotta fan myself off, I gotta fan myself off
I gotta cool down, heated (like Coco Chanel, put me up in jail)
I gotta cool it down, heated, heated

Never met a girl with a mind like this, no, no
To give you space at a time like this, my love
Never met a girl so fine like this, no, no, no, no, no
(Fan me off, I’m hot, hot, hot)
With a waist that whine like this (like Coco Chanel, put me up jail)

Tip, tip, tip on hard wood floors
Ten, ten, ten across the board (with a waist that whine like this)
Give me face, face, face, face, face, yah
Your face card never declines, my Gawd (ooh, ooh)
Eat it, eat it, eat it, eat it, eat it
Hmm, yummy, yummy, yum, make the bummy heated
Make a pretty girl talk that shitty
Whisky till I’m tipsy, glitter on my kitty (ooh, ooh)

Cool it down, down, down, my pretty
Bad, bad, bitchy, make a bad bitch, glitchy
Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine
Liberate it, live it like we ain’t got time
Yada, yada, ya, yada, yada, ya, ya
Yada, yada, boom, boom, ka, ka
Blastin’ on that ass, blast on that ass
Fan me quick, girl, I need my glass
Fan me off, my wrist goes click
Dimples on my hip, stretch marks on my tits
Drink on my water, mindin’ my biz
Monday, I’m overrated, Tuesday, on my dick
Flip flop flippin’, flip floppin’ ass bitch

Fan me off, watch my wrist go click
Fan me off, I’m hot, hot, hot
Like stolen Chanel, lock me up in jail
Cuff me, please, ‘cause this ain’t fair
Dripped in my pearls like Coco Chanel
Uncle Johnny made my dress
That cheap spandex, she looks a mess

Fan me off, I’m hot, hot, hot
Like stolen Chanel, lock me up in jail
Fingertips go tap, tap, tap
On my MPC makin’ disco trap
Uncle Johnny made my dress
That cheap spandex, she looks a messBeyoncé – HEATED – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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