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Letra Música My Stupid Heart – Walk off the Earth

My stupid heart don’t know
I’ve tried to let you go
So many times before
Then wound up at your door
My stupid
Can’t believe that I haven’t figured out by now
Every time I call you up
All you do is let me down
Should’ve known there was nothing ‘bout us I could change
Every time we try to be friends
It always ends the same

But when I try to remember
All the pain that we’ve been through
Something in me says: Whatever
And it brings me back to you

My stupid heart don’t know
I’ve tried to let you go
So many times before
Then wound up at your door
My stupid heart, too late
Already on my way
If we go down in flames
Again, then you can blame my stupid heart

You can blame my stupid heart
You can blame my stupid

Every now and then I get inside of my head
Try to leave your texts unread
But I wind up here instead
I should’ve bit my tongue while we were still ahead
I always had to be right
Till we had nothing left

But when I try to remember
All the pain that we’ve been through
Something in me says: Whatever
And it brings me back to you

My stupid heart don’t know
I’ve tried to let you go
So many times before
Then wound up at your door
My stupid heart, too late
Already on my way
If we go down in flames
Again, then you can blame my stupid heart

You can blame my stupid heart
I’ve tried to let you go (okay)
So many times before (okay)
You can blame my stupid heart

Too late
Already on my way (okay)
If we go down in flames (okay)
Again, then you can blame my stupid heart
Too late
Already on my way
If we go down in flames
Again, then you can blame my stupid heartWalk off the Earth – My Stupid Heart – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

De Relance

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