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Letra Música Band On The Run – Paul McCartney

Stuck inside these four walls
Sent inside forever
Never seeing no one nice again
Like you, mama, you, mama, you
If I ever get out of here
Thought of giving it all away
To a registered charity
All I need is a pint a day if I ever get out of here
If we ever get out of here

Well, the rain exploded with a mighty crash
As we fell into the sun
And the first one said to be the second one there
I hope you’re having fun

Band on the run, band on the run
And the jailer man and sailor Sam
Were searching everyone
For the band on the run, band on the run
Band on the run, band on the run

Well, the undertaker drew a heavy sigh
Seeing no one else had come
And a bell was ringing in the village square
For the rabbit on the run

Band on the run, band on the run
And the jailer man and sailor Sam
Were searching everyone
For the band on the run, band on the run

Yeah the band on the run, the band on the run
Band on the run, band on the run

Well, the night was falling as a desert world
Began the settle down
In the town they’re searching for us everywhere
But we never will be found

Band on the run, band on the run
And the county judge who held a grudge
Will search for evermore
For the band on the run, the band on the run
Band on the run, band on the runPaul McCartney – Band On The Run – Ouvir Música

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