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Letra Música This Is Why – Paramore

If you have an opinion
Maybe you should shove it
Or maybe you could scream it
Might be best to keep it
To yourself (to yourself)
To yourself (to yourself)

This is why I don’t leave the house
You say the coast is clear, but you won’t catch me out
Oh, why?
This is why

Better have conviction
‘Cause we want crimes of passion
Survival of the fittest
You’re either with us or you can keep it

To yourself (to yourself)
To yourself (to yourself)
To yourself, yourself, yourself
To yourself (to yourself)

This is why I don’t leave the house
You say the coast is clear, but you won’t catch me out
Oh, why?
This is why

This is why I don’t leave the house
You say the coast is clear, but you won’t catch me out
Oh, why?
This is why

One step beyond your door
It might as well have been a free fall
One step beyond your door
Falling down an endless hall

One step beyond your door
Might as well have been a free fall
One step beyond your door
And I’m falling like a cannonball

This is why I don’t leave the house
You say the coast is clear, but you won’t catch me out
Oh, why?
This is why

This is why I don’t leave the house
You say the coast is clear, but, oh, no, you won’t catch me out
Oh, why?
This is whyParamore – This Is Why – Ouvir Música

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