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Letra Música Holding On To Heartache – Louis Tomlinson

You said I’m holding onto heartache
You said I wear it like a crown
It’s gonna drag me down
I’m holding onto heartache
You should be staring at the sky
The birds just passing by, love
The wind held us up, but
We knew that all would change
Creates the strangest feeling
Just slowly waiting for the end

I still have dreams about it
The moments as they came
The moments never shown to us
Because we faded into darkness

I can still hear a silence
I can still hear a clock that’s ticking

You said I’m holding onto heartache
You said I wear it like a crown
It’s gonna drag me down
I’m holding onto heartache
You should be staring at the sky
The birds just passing by, love

Holding onto heartache

The nights, they change in seasons
Become the strangest days
I called you twice, but then regretted it
And changed my number

The questions that I’d ask you
Where did it all go wrong?
There’s endless versions of the thing
That keeps me drifting back to darkness

I can still hear your silence
I can still hear a clock that’s ticking

You said I’m holding onto heartache
You said I wear it like a crown
It’s gonna drag me down
I’m holding onto heartache
You should be staring at the sky
The birds just passing by, love

You know the party’s over
When you’re standing in an empty space alone
And time can always heal ya
If you let it make its way into your bones

Nothing’s ever easy
To be honest, I’m not easy on myself
The second that I see ya
The space between us just comes flooding back

You said I’m holding onto heartache
You said I wear it like a crown
It’s gonna drag me down
I’m holding onto heartache
You should be staring at the sky
The birds just passing by, loveLouis Tomlinson – Holding On To Heartache – Ouvir Música

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