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Letra Música New Light – John Mayer

I’m the boy in your other phone
Lighting up inside your drawer at home, all alone
Pushin’ 40 in the friend zone
We talk and then you walk away, every day
Oh, you don’t think twice ‘bout me
And maybe you’re right to doubt me, but

But if you give me just one night
You’re gonna see me in a new light
Yeah, if you give me just one night
To meet you underneath the moonlight

Oh, I want a take two
I want a break through
I wanna know the real thing about you
So I can see you in a new light

Take a ride up to Malibu
I just wanna sit and look at you, look at you
What would it matter if your friends knew?
Who cares what other people say anyway?

Oh, we can go far from here
And make a new world together, babe

‘Cause if you give me just one night
You’re gonna see me in a new light
Yeah, if you give me just one night
To meet you underneath the moonlight

Oh, I want a take two
I want a break through
I wanna know the real thing about you
So I can see you in a new light

Yeah, if you give me just one night
You’re gonna see me in a new light
Yeah, if you give me just one night
To meet you underneath the moonlight

What do I do with all this, what do I do with all this
Love that’s runnin’ through my veins for you?
What do I do with all this, what do I do with all this
Love that’s runnin’ through my veins for you?
What do I do with all this, what do I do with all this
Love that’s runnin’ through my veins for you?
What do I do with all this, what do I do with all this, oohJohn Mayer – New Light – Ouvir Música

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