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Letra Música Half Of My Heart (feat. Taylor Swift) – John Mayer

I was born in the arms of imaginary friends
Free to roam, made a home out of everywhere I’ve been
Then you come crashing in
Like the realest thing
Trying my best to understand all that your love can bring
Oh, half of my heart’s got a grip on the situation
Half of my heart takes time
Half of my heart’s got the right mind to tell you that I can’t keep, keep loving you
Oh, with half of my heart

I was made to believe I’d never love somebody else
I made a plan, stayed the man who can only love himself
Lonely was the song I sang
Till the day you came
Showing me another way and all that my love can bring

Oh, half of my heart’s got a grip on the situation
Half of my heart takes time
Half of my heart’s got the right mind to tell you that I can’t keep loving you
Oh, with half of my heart
With half of my heart

Your faith is strong
But I can only fall short for so long
Down the road, later on
You will hate that I never gave more to you
Than half of my heart
But I can’t stop loving you
But I can’t stop loving you
But I can’t stop loving you

With half of my, half of my heart
Oh, half of my heart
Half of my heart’s got a real good imagination
Half of my heart’s got you
Half of my heart’s got a right mind to tell you
That half of my heart won’t do

Half of my heart is a shotgun wedding to a bride with a paper ring
Half of my heart is the part of a man who’s never truly loved anything

Half of my heart
Oh, half of my heart
Half of my heart
Oh, half of my heart
Half of my heart
Oh, half of my heart
Half of my heartJohn Mayer – Half Of My Heart (feat. Taylor Swift) – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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