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Letra Música Up&Up – Coldplay

Fixing up a car, driving it again
Searching for the water, hoping for the rain
Up and up
Up and up
Down upon the canvas, working meal to meal
Waiting for a chance to pick your orange field
Up and up
Up and up

See a pearl form, a diamond in the rough
See a bird soaring high above the flood
It’s in your blood
It’s in your blood

Underneath the storm, an umbrella is saying
Sitting with the poison takes away the pain
Up and up
Up and up

It’s saying

We’re gonna get it, get it together right now
Gonna get it, get it together somehow
Gonna get it, get it together and flower
Oh, oh

We’re gonna get it, get it together, I know
Gonna get it, get it together and flow
Gonna get it, get it together and go
Up, and up, and up

Lying in the gutter, aiming for the Moon
Trying to empty out the ocean with a spoon
Up and up
Up and up

How come people suffer? How come people part?
How come people struggle?
How come people break your heart?
Break your heart

Yes, I wanna grow, yes, I want to feel
Yes, I wanna know
Show me how to heal it up
Heal it up

See the forest there in every seed
Angels in the marble waiting to be freed
Just need love
Just need love

When the going is rough, saying

We’re gonna get it, get it together right now
Gonna get it, get it together somehow
Gonna get it, get it together and flower
Oh, oh

We’re gonna get it, get it together, I know
Gonna get it, get it together and flow
Gonna get it, get it together and go

And you can say what is or fight for it
Close your mind or take a risk
You can say it’s mine and clench your fist
Or see each sunrise as a gift

We’re gonna get it, get it together right now
Gonna get it, get it together somehow
Gonna get it, get it together and flower
Oh, oh

We’re gonna get it, get it together, I know
Gonna get it, get it together and flow
Gonna get it, get it together and go
Up, and up, and

We’re gonna get it, get it together right now
Gonna get it, get it together somehow
Gonna get it, get it together and flower
Oh, oh

We’re gonna get it, get it together, I know
Gonna get it, get it together and flow
Gonna get it, get it together and go
Up, and up, and up

Oh, oh, oh, oh

Fixing up a car to drive in it again
When you’re in pain, when you think you’ve had enough
Don’t ever give up
Don’t ever give up

(Believe in love)Coldplay – Up&Up – Ouvir Música

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