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Letra Música MAMACITA – Chase Atlantic

Eh, make me proud, make me proud, yeah
She’s out here fuckin’ around, uh
Off that tequila, again (oh, woah)
She gon’ kill me with her mouth, yeah (oh, yeah)
She makes me dance in the moonlight (moonlight)
She keeps some white in that pouch (yeah, yeah)
She makes me sniff till the Sun’s up (yeah)
She’s never letting me down
That’s my mamacita, yeah (mamacita)
I won’t ever leave her, yeah (yeah, yеah)
Mumma, I might keep her, might keep her
I don’t love hеr, but I need her, yeah
That’s my mamacita, yeah
That’s my mamacita, yeah-ah
Mumma, I might keep her, might keep her
That’s my mamacita-macita

(That’s my mamacita, yeah)

Listen, she’s been creeping in silence
She keeps a blade, so don’t try it (yeah)
Never been caught by the law (oh, no)
But that doesn’t mean she’s not violent (yeah)
She’ll make you burn in the rain
She’ll cool you down in the fire
She may not tell you the truth (oh, yeah)
But that doesn’t make her a liar (woo!)

That’s my mamacita, yeah, woah (mamacita)
I won’t ever leave her, yeah (yeah, yeah)
Mumma, I might keep her, might keep her
I don’t love her, but I need her, yeah
That’s my mamacita, yeah
That’s my mamacita, yeah-ah
Mumma, I might keep her, might keep her
That’s my mamacita-macita

(That’s my mamacita, yeah)
(That’s my mamacita, yeah)

Kind face with a cruel heart (cruel heart)
She can do it better than a pornstar, eh
She don’t carry no more Xan’ bars (Xan’, Xan’)
She can work that product on her lonesome (she can work that product, girl)
Look her in the eyes and go insane (insane)
She been kicking shit, get out the fucking way (yeah, fucking way)
She can take away all of the pain (now, now)
Mamacita, there is nothing left to say

Oh, no-no, no-no, no
Oh, no-no, no-no, no
That’s my mama, mamacita (yeah, yeah, woo!)

That’s my mamacita, yeah (mamacita)
I won’t ever leave her, yeah (yeah, yeah)
Mumma, I might keep her, might keep her
I don’t love her, but I need her, yeah
That’s my mamacita, yeah
That’s my mamacita, yeah-ah
Mumma, I might keep her, might keep her
That’s my mamacita-macita

(That’s my mamacita, yeah)
(That’s my mamacita yeah)Chase Atlantic – MAMACITA – Ouvir Música

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