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Letra Música Even The Nights Are Better – Air Supply

I, I was the lonely one
Wondering what went wrong
Why love had gone
And left me lonely
I, I was so confused
Feeling like I’d just been used
Then you came to me
And my loneliness left me

I used to think I was tied to a heartache
That was the heartbreak
But now that I’ve found you

Even the nights are better
Now that we’re here together
Even the nights are better
Since I found you, woah-oh-oh

Even the days are brighter
When someone you love’s beside ya
Even the nights are better
Since I found you

You, you knew just what to do
‘Cause you had been lonely too
And you showed me how
To ease the pain

And you did more than mend a broken heart
‘Cause now you’ve made a fire start
And I, I can see
That you feel the same way

I never dreamed there’d be someone to hold me
Until you told me
And now that I’ve found you

Even the nights are better
Now that we’re here together
Even the nights are better
Since I found you, woah-oh-oh

Even the days are brighter
When someone you love’s beside ya
Even the nights are better
Since I found you

I never dreamed there’d be someone to hold me
Until you told me
And now that I’ve found you

Even the nights are better
Now that we’re here together
Even the nights are better
Since I found you, woah-oh-oh

Even the nights are better
Now that we’re here together
Even the nights are better
Since I found you, woah-oh-oh

Even the nights are better
Now that we’re here together
Even the nights are better
Since I found you, woah-oh-ohAir Supply – Even The Nights Are Better – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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