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Letra Música You’ve Been In Love – Phil Collins

You’ve been in love that little bit too long

You’ve been in love and I think that you know

You’ve been in love it’s time to move on

You’ve been in love and it’s starting to show

She’s getting to used to your face, getting too used to your


She’s saying the same things every morning before you leave her

You’d better run, find out what’s going through her mind

You’d better look out, cos he’s not far behind

You’ve been in love that little bit too long

You’ve been in love and I think that you know

You’ve been in love it’s time to move on

You’ve been in love and it’s starting to show

Suddenly she’s trying to please you, you start to think she’s

acting strange

And after all these years she wears make-up in the morning

You’d better run, find out what’s going through her mind

You’d better look out, cos he’s not far behind

Did you really believe she’s doing it all for you?

Oh, can’t you see, there’s somebody else

You never showed it, you should have known it

You’ve been in love, yeah you’ve been in love

You’ve been in love, yeah you’ve been in love

Going round singing all those love songs, songs you haven’t

heard for years

You’re gonna have to ask her why she’s so happy

You’d better run, find out what’s going through her mind.

But it may be too late, and I know why

You’ve been in love that little bit too long

You’ve been in love and I think that you know

You’ve been in love it’s time to move on

You’ve been in love and it’s starting to show

You’ve been in love that little bit too long

You’ve been in love, I think that you know

You’ve been in love it’s time to move on

You’ve been in love and it’s starting to show

To show, show, you’ve been in love, oh oh

(I’ve got blisters on my fingers!)

Phil Collins – You’ve Been In Love – Ouvir Música

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